Sunday, March 13, 2016

A solution to Menstrual cramps

Since teenage i have faced this problem : Cramps!! Oh it has always been really painful and I always ended up curling myself up in the corner of the bed. Until few simple home remedies helped me to cope up and I could again feel free from the pain.
One can try anything from the following points and test and see what really helps you.

1. Walking. We all lead and very sedentary lifestyle with hardly any exercise. So a simple walk everyday can actually help you to avoid the pain. So get up and get going girl. I will not say this includes your household chores but a proper 15-20 min walk. 
2. Antacid. I have it in the morning and the whole day goes as if there is nothing different about the day. But please ask your doctor before taking one. 
3. Hot water bottle. Place it where you are having an ache. 
4. Turmeric. Add half a spoon of turmeric to the milk and have the hot/ lukewarm milk. Indians swear it as a solution to any body ache.

Please be active and half of your health problems will be solved. :)

happy mommying!

#GirlProblem, #SolutionToCramps, #MenstrualCyclePain, #PainDuringMenstrualCycle, #HowToAvoidCramps, #NewMom, #NewMother

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