Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How can I make my baby sleep at night?

Are you deprived of sleep due to your new born?  SO here is what you can do to sleep better.

Baby’s sleeping pattern keeps on changing. As 0-3months would be different from 3-6months and 6-9months and so on. It actually becomes a pattern when she/he is 9month+.

0-3months:- Initially baby will take the feed(if breastfeeding)  after every 2-3hours and will go off to sleep immediately. The new born wakes up for few hours only. So try and sleep with the baby as much as you can because this first month recovery is very important for the mother. So ask your husband (on leave from office,right?)  or mother or maid to help you with daily chores. If no then let your husband sleep with the baby in the day time so that he can handle the baby with you at night well.

3-6months :- Now you will see a big change in the baby. Baby wakes up for a longer duration, starts moving her hands/feet more and also has much stable neck and tries to focus her/his eyes. So the playtime with the baby begins from now on.  By now the mother and the father both are generally settled and know how to handle the baby well.

Baby pees or poops quite frequently in early stages. Make sure your baby is not wearing the diaper at the day time and therefore the baby will not sleep much during the daytime. And then you will have a good long night sleep( 8-10hr which includes your breastfeeding)
Things to do :-
1.  Put a quick dry sheet under the baby while she is lying on the bed/sleeping. (it prevents from soiling your bed)
2.  Make the baby wear soft cotton nappy instead of diaper.
3.  Play with the baby during the daytime.(sing to her, laugh or just talk silly things like all mums do)
4.  Always switch off your lights for night sleep, slowly it becomes the habit and soothing for both mother and child.
5.  Play some soft baby musical lullaby(various toys available) before the baby dozes off.
6.  If you have started one or two bottle feed then try and give the baby a bottle feed at night right before she and you sleep. This makes the baby sleep more as the stomach is full for a longer duration(formula milk) than breastmilk

6month + : dear mom now knows it all :)

Sleep well dear mom!!

Happy mommying

#NewMother ,  #BabyDoesNotSleepAtNight , #HowToMakeBabySleep , #BabySleep , #NewMom  

Sunday, August 16, 2015

What to eat during pregnancy?

This should be taken very seriously. As your diet does affect the growth of your baby.

  1. Carbohydrates: The basic building block for our body. They are the main source of energy. When we consume any carbs, they are converted into sugar to provide the energy to our cells for our proper functioning. They are present in:-
    1. Wheat (Bread, Roti)
    2. Potato
    3. Cereals
    4. Corn
    5. Banana

  1. Vitamin and Minerals: They are the essential nutrients which our body requires in small quantity for the right functioning. Like its recommended to have Vitamin C( present in orange) before having iron tablet as this vitamin helps in absorbing iron. Your diet should include all the seasonal fruits and vegetables.

  1. Protein/Dairy: Your body requires protein to ensure the right and steady growth of your foetus. This has to be included in your diet during the 9-month span. The food which are have high protein content are:-
    1. All the dairy products:- Milk, Cottage cheese, yogurt
    2. Legumes :- peas, beans, lentils
    3. Egg
    4. Meat
    5. Fish
    6. Nuts
  2. Fats and Sugar: Do indulge in to your favourite food or your cravings during pregnancy but make sure this section is not a substitute for your important meals. So have them sparingly.

Happy mommying

#whatToEatInPregnancy , #DietInPregnancy , #MotherToBe , #MomToBe

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How to celebrate Breastfeeding Week


All new moms and moms-to-be lets do it!!! This is week is celebrated not to make you feel guilty if you are not breastfeeding but to promote some natural norms that our nature has given us.

So moms who breastfeed it’s the best thing you can give your baby for the first six months. But moms who have a fulltime job and cant leave or carry the baby along, try and give your baby EBM(expressed breast milk). Yes you can express the milk (a night before also) when the baby is not taking your feed and store it in a clean container and give the baby later on(when you are not around).

There are numerous moms who are not able to breastfeed because of insufficient supply or their baby prefers formula milk, for them I would say, Its OK, you are your baby’s mom “you know the best”. It’s alright if you are not able to breastfeed, several mother are not but then make sure your little one is taking other meals to suffice the nutrients required.

So I request all those mothers who are at home or shopping and are not breastfeeding your baby, Stop and think and read the following article.

Giving formula milk is not bad or doing any harm to your baby but if you are free or can breastfeed your baby, then do it. Try and take leave from your office for those first six months when your baby needs you the most, and give her/him your milk only. Ask those mothers who are not able to produce milk or don’t have sufficient supply, it’s a terrible feeling. So I say if you can, enjoy the time and breastfeed your baby.

Happy mommying

#BreastfeedingWeek , #MotherToBe , #NewMoms , #CelebrateBreastfeedingWeek , #IfYouCantBreastfeed , #BreastfeedYourBaby 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Can I have coffee in Pregnancy ?

 Please Avoid!!
I have spoken to gynaecologist from new age to the ones who have been practising for 30 years, everybody has a different opinion. New ones strictly asks you to avoid coffee as there have been various studies which shows that whatever you eat a small portion of it goes to the child. It goes through the placenta which attaches your baby to you. But old ones (doctors to homemakers) claim that they had tea/coffee in pregnancy and we (their kids) are normal. So what is the solution??

Lets avoid this coffee!!!!! We are basically avoiding coffee because it has caffeine. Caffeine is not harmful , it has medicinal uses also but not during pregnancy. So lets try and avoid all the products which has caffeine like :-
  1. Coffee
  2. Tea
  3. Chocolate
  4. Coke (as well)  :O

 Yes I am asking to you avoid (not stop all together) caffeine as much as you can until you have craving for these. So even if you are fulfilling your cravings (in pregnancy) which is okay but do it in moderation. Think for the baby’s health and your motherly heart will help you to overcome these cravings.

 Following could be better alternatives :-

No-no in pregnancy
Better options to switch to (try n avoid them too )
Espresso shot
Fresh juice/ Lemonade
Green Tea
Dark Chocolate
White Chocolate

Try and you can succeed dear mommy-to-be.

Happy Mommying

#MotherToBe , #CoffeeInPregnancy , #InPregnancy , #WhattoDoPregnant , 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Dry Tummy Skin/ Avoid Stretch Marks

Another small problem or one can say another body change during pregnancy is stretch marks. But they can be avoided to a large extend if you take proper care of your skin in those 9 months.

Stretch marks are caused due to :-
  1. Genetic (Ask you mum if she has them)
  2. Dry skin
So reason “a” in unavoidable but can be taken care of and reason “b” has to be taken care of, which means do something for your skin. J

Body Parts where stretch marks are more visible :-
a.       Stomach
b.      Thighs
c.       Upper Arm
d.      Butts/Hips

 So things to do( How to avoid stretch marks) :-
 1. Use a good amount of oil after every bath on your affected body parts (without fail). Oil which can be used are:-
Oil name
Skin type
Dry to Normal
Has fragrance
Dry to Normal

 2. DO NOT SCRATCH your tummy. Instead whenever you feel like scratching put oil or creams to avoid them.
 3. Drink loads of hydrating drinks like WATER, Coconut water, ginger ale.
 4. Avoid all aerated drinks, tea and coffee.

Are Stretch mark creams useful?
If you do not believe in natural way of curing then go for these creams. They are good but how do they affect you in long term, I have not come across any study. So use them after asking your gynaecologist only.

Happy mommying

#NoStretchMarks , #AvoidStretchMarks , #StretchMarkCream , #DrySkin , #StretchMarksInPregnancy , #WhatToDoInPregnancy