Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Burp it up!!

All the parents and babies have an important task after feeding: BURP. One has to make sure the baby burps right after the feed. It helps the baby to sleep better and the baby also feels better/lighter. Parents need to help the baby in burping as she/he cant sit uptil 5-6months. How to make sure the baby burps :-
  • You as a Mother/Father should uphold the child such that the baby’s body is supported by you and the head can rest on your shoulder. In initial months your baby’s neck does not support her/his head so your hand(palm) should help her by holding the neck from behind but very delicately at the same time. The other hand should support the rest of the body. Baby burps quite quickly if you hold her properly.
  • I strongly believe what you eat when you are exclusively breastfeeding does reflect in your milk and hence in baby's digestion. In fact the poops color also changes.Try eating spinach and checkout your LO's poop that day J it will change. So eat healthy and light food in the first month after delivery , it not only help you but also the baby to digest the milk. Avoid food like nuts, red and black beans etc.
The baby should not lie down immediately after taking the feed even if she/he has slept while taking the feed. But instead take her gently and uphold her with her head resting on your shoulder and wait till she/he burps or for 10-15minutes before you lie her/him down on the bed again.

Happy mommying

#NewMom, #NewMother, #NouvelleMaman, #HowToMakeBabyBurp, #BurpAfterFeeding, #NewDad, #BurpingIsImportant, #BabyCare

Monday, October 12, 2015

Pigeon Feeding Bottle Review

Pigeon bottles are sleek and they are easy to handle and wash. Its very simply built and very handy while travelling as it doesn't take much space. One can get different size and cut in teats for suitable age group. It also has a small bump on the teat which help as anti-colic.

My take: 8/10
Availability : Good
Age: starts from 0+month
Use: For milk
Cost: Cheap (worth every penny)
Best part of this is it gets into a baby bag without taking much space and I can carry another toy(for my baby) instead of a fat bottle.

Happy mommying!

#NewMom, #Newmother, #NouvelleMaman , #BabyProductReview , #PigeonBottleReview , #BabyFeedingBottleReview , #PigeonFeedingBottle

Sunday, October 11, 2015

What to eat during pregnancy? - PartII

Ok so we are talking of you eating healthy for yourself and “not eating for two”. Make sure you eat well and adding calories to your diet does not mean eating junk. If you think for your unborn baby’s health I am sure you will eat better and good food. Whatever you eat a part of it goes to your little one. So please eat good and healthy food. BUT counting your calories and keeping a track of #whatToEat” doesn’t mean you go on a diet or eat less than what you normally eat. Eat healthy, good and enjoy it! :)

Protein: You need to eat loads of them and till the 9month.Your body requires proteins in good amount to help the foetus grow. So make sure that at least two of your meals has proteins to give you right amount. If you are not much into proteins then try some snacks rich in proteins like soya chunks, roasted black Bengal gram etc. 
Food for proteins:-
Bengal gram
Cottage cheese/Cheese

Carbs: The building block as one says or the main source of energy for your body to function well. Eat healthy like Whole wheat, Rice and avoid refined form (White flour/Maida). Never leave them, you always need them and eat them well.

Folate: You have to take folic acid as prenatal and post natal medicines.

DHA: This helps in baby’s brain and eye development. Its present mostly in nuts, olive oil and one can take DHA fortified food as well.

Iron and Vitamin C: You need Iron during and even after delivery till you are breast feeding the baby. The sufficient amount of iron ensures your haemoglobin mark as per the requirement as in ensures a healthy baby as well.
For VitaminC Indian gooseberry or any tangy fruit(oranges/sweet lime) will suffice your vitamin requirement. It is one of the important vitamin which helps you in absorption of iron and also improves your immunity.
Food for Vitamin C:-

Food for Iron:-
All green leafy vegetable.
Dry Fruits
Beans and Peas

Calcium and Vitamin D: For baby to grow in the right way with healthy bones one needs to have Calcium. If there is insufficient amount of calcium intake, your baby draws it from his/her mothers stored calcium. So one should take calcium tabs(especially for vegetarians) during pregnancy and throughout your breast feeding time. For Calcium absorption VitaminD is a must. So one can take Vit.D fortified Calcium tabs. Else Great source of VitaminD is SUN.
Food for calcium:-
All dairy products(Milk, buttermilk, yogurt, cheese)

Water: Fluids are important part of pregnancy. And most important of all is water. Even if you cant control or need to go to loo on the middle of the night one needs to drink water/ Coconut water to stay hydrated and to prevent constipation which a lot of ladies face during pregnancy.

P.S. :- Make sure your weight should not increase more than 11-12 kg till ninth month(full term)  and consult a doctor if there is a sudden increase in weight. Please DON'T DIET

Happy mommying!!

#NewMom, #NouvelleMaman, #IAmPregnant, #WhatToEatInPregnancy, #WhatToEatDuringPregnancy, #MomToBe, #MotherToBe, #WeightInPregnancy

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Chicco Insulated Cup Review

This is a sipper with a well built mechanism for opening and as well as for the liquid suction. It opens quite smoothly and infact my daughter(at 1.5yrs) loved opening and drinking water on her own from it. The flow of the liquid can be regulated by a small band inside the cup, it helps moms to keep a check on the amount of water her baby is going to suck. As in the flow of the liquid can be increased by removing the band or decreased by placing the band on the hole.

Its an insulated cup but don't expect it to keep the hot water like a thermos.
It comes in two nice and bright colors. The only drawback is that it sometimes leak if the pieces inside the cup are not fitted well.

My take: 8/10
Age: If your baby can suck  from the sipper(while sitting)
Cost: Higher
Use: mainly for water

Happy mommying

#NewMom , #NewMother, NouvelleMaman , #ChiccoProductReview , #ChiccoInsulatedCupReview , #BabyProductReview , #WaterSipper , #SipperForBaby  ,#BabyCare