Monday, November 30, 2015

Reshaping after pregnancy

A maternity belt I had used after the delivery, which was also recommended by the doc and mid-wives. I think this belt is required because the stomach skin becomes so flappy after the delivery that it is important to retain your shape. I dont preach that thin women are better or you should regain your original shape but in my opinion its always better to stay healthy look good [so that your husband does not look around ;) ].

How to use the maternity belt:- One has to put the belt before your meal and not while eating or right after the meal.You can use it while sleeping or sitting . Incase of CS....Use after your stitches have been cut.

I used Farlin, its nice, soft and easy to handle.

Happy mommying

#NewMoms, #NouvelleMaman, #MaternityBelt, #FarlinProduct, #BabyProductReview, #FarlinProductReview, #MotherCare, 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

An article on parenting

Your Biggest Parenting Fear Faced

I think its true :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Chicco Body Lotion for Baby Review

I like this lotion. My baby has dry skin and this lotion has helped her to overcome it(atleast for few hours). This has a very nice fragrance but a bit stronger than MotherCare creams. This big bottle has a useful dispenser which allows you to close the nob as well and does not let the cream get spilled. Overall a good product.

My take: 9/10
Age: 0+
Cost: Higher (than pigeon or MeeMee)
Use: daily body lotion

Happy mommying

#NewMom , #NewMother, NouvelleMaman , #ChiccoProductReview , #ChiccoBodyLotionReview , #BabyProductReview , #BodyLotionForBaby , #BabyBodyLotion  ,#BabyCare