Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How to celebrate Breastfeeding Week


All new moms and moms-to-be lets do it!!! This is week is celebrated not to make you feel guilty if you are not breastfeeding but to promote some natural norms that our nature has given us.

So moms who breastfeed it’s the best thing you can give your baby for the first six months. But moms who have a fulltime job and cant leave or carry the baby along, try and give your baby EBM(expressed breast milk). Yes you can express the milk (a night before also) when the baby is not taking your feed and store it in a clean container and give the baby later on(when you are not around).

There are numerous moms who are not able to breastfeed because of insufficient supply or their baby prefers formula milk, for them I would say, Its OK, you are your baby’s mom “you know the best”. It’s alright if you are not able to breastfeed, several mother are not but then make sure your little one is taking other meals to suffice the nutrients required.

So I request all those mothers who are at home or shopping and are not breastfeeding your baby, Stop and think and read the following article.

Giving formula milk is not bad or doing any harm to your baby but if you are free or can breastfeed your baby, then do it. Try and take leave from your office for those first six months when your baby needs you the most, and give her/him your milk only. Ask those mothers who are not able to produce milk or don’t have sufficient supply, it’s a terrible feeling. So I say if you can, enjoy the time and breastfeed your baby.

Happy mommying

#BreastfeedingWeek , #MotherToBe , #NewMoms , #CelebrateBreastfeedingWeek , #IfYouCantBreastfeed , #BreastfeedYourBaby 

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