Tuesday, September 1, 2015

To cut nails of a new born

In the first three months nails of a baby are very  very soft so it can be broken very gently with your finger tip.Right after you give your baby a bath try to cut nails as they are very soft due to water. Or you can use baby nails cutting scissors. Or let the mother nature work its way, they will break on its own but they tend to be sharp from the edges.

Initially I was afraid to cut my baby's soft and (oh sooo) tiny nails but my sister scolded me "if you as a mother cant do it then who else will do". Ok so that did make me cut her nails.
I used Farlin Baby scissors.

My Take:-9/10
It has a big enough lower part for easy handling. Tiny scissors blade  appropriate for the baby nail size. It really helped me to overcome my nail cutting fear.

BEST TIME to cut nails are when the baby is sleeping.

happy Mommying!!

#babyNailCutter , #BabyCare , #NewMom , #NouvelleMaman , #FarlinProductReview , #NewMother

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