Friday, September 4, 2015

Breastfeeding/ Breast milk

Things you need to know about breast feeding:-
The very first time a very few mothers are able to breastfeed the baby as the mother does not know how to handle the baby and the baby does not know how to latch up properly. Its OK. Slowly by second or third time baby does get to know and mother also starts producing milk after the repeated suction. The first few supplies of milk is watery or yellow in color, is called Colostrum. It is the most important thing your child needs once they are born. It is full of nutrition and consists of everything your baby needs to fight the basic human diseases. TRY to make sure your baby is given your milk first rather than a formula milk until unless you are not able to produce milk if no then relax and enjoy with your baby.

  1. The more you feed your baby the more milk supply will be produced by your body
  2. A lot of times baby feeding pattern changes, so if your baby is not drinking you might feel your breast getting heavy and hardened. Don’t worry! You should massage your breast (clockwise or anticlockwise) to reduce lumps/heaviness in milk filled breast. This happens only when the milk supply is more and demand is less.
  3. Expressed Breast Milk (EBM) – means you take out milk manually or with the help of a machine. You can express milk which can be given to the baby immediately or later(yes it can stored too).
  4. Yes! Your eating does affect the baby, proof is the baby’s poop. Eg. Have any green vegetable like spinach and the very day or next day your lil one will poop green (you can smile if you have seen one). So do not eat very heavy/ gassy food in the first three months.
  5. You do not need to drink milk to increase your milk supply. Certain food does increase the milk supply like Fenugreek, cumins, oats or porridge etc.

Happy Mommying!

#NewMom , #NewMother , #BreastMilk , #BreastFeed , #EBM

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