Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How to avoid nausea in Preganancy

During pregnancy a lot of girls feel nauseated or do not feel like eating at all in the first trimester but it  decreases when 4th month starts. So here are few tips to overcome it:-
  1. Walk everyday only uptil your body allows , never strain your body, It should be done with ease.
  2. You can have curd with rock salt with your meals or before it. (the best/tried/it works)
  3. Drink small portions of ginger ale , if it suits you.
  4.  Apple with or with out salt, 15minutes, before your meals.
  5. Mix a few seeds of carom with a spoon of rock salt. Have a very less portion of it in small intervals. Some might find the taste of carom peculiar or strong, so have it with caution ( Both the ingredients help in digestion)
  6. Have a good helping of Vanilla Ice-cream

Take care mommy-to-be!!

Happy mommying

#NauseaMomToBe , #NewMother , #FirstTrimester , #NewPregnancy , #AvoidNausea , #PregnancyNausea 

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