Sunday, March 13, 2016

A solution to Menstrual cramps

Since teenage i have faced this problem : Cramps!! Oh it has always been really painful and I always ended up curling myself up in the corner of the bed. Until few simple home remedies helped me to cope up and I could again feel free from the pain.
One can try anything from the following points and test and see what really helps you.

1. Walking. We all lead and very sedentary lifestyle with hardly any exercise. So a simple walk everyday can actually help you to avoid the pain. So get up and get going girl. I will not say this includes your household chores but a proper 15-20 min walk. 
2. Antacid. I have it in the morning and the whole day goes as if there is nothing different about the day. But please ask your doctor before taking one. 
3. Hot water bottle. Place it where you are having an ache. 
4. Turmeric. Add half a spoon of turmeric to the milk and have the hot/ lukewarm milk. Indians swear it as a solution to any body ache.

Please be active and half of your health problems will be solved. :)

happy mommying!

#GirlProblem, #SolutionToCramps, #MenstrualCyclePain, #PainDuringMenstrualCycle, #HowToAvoidCramps, #NewMom, #NewMother

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Anal Fissure/ Piles after delivery

Indians have a very old saying that after delivery the mother should rest for 40 days before getting up and doing the household chores and the mother should eat light food during this time(easy to digest)  like rice and lentil cooked together called khichdi  and broken wheat called daliya.
After my delivery I did not believe in everything what these oldies said and I later I faced the consequences.
My gynaecologist told me that it has been scientifically proven that it takes 40 days for uterus to return back to its normal size so the point one was right.
I always had a healthy life and no bowel problem and after delivery I ate as everyone ate. One the biggest consequence I got anal fissure. It was because of the kind of food I ate. The stool hardens if you eat more of refined flour than the wheat flour and eat less of fibre.  I still get it whenever I eat out and eat things like pizza which has less fibre.

Solution to fissure  I found out after an year of problem  :-
1. Use haemorrhoidal cream with a glove on the affected area. As a glove is smoother than the finger tip it pains less. Use it  everyday till the pain subsides.
2. Use the cream specially at night as most people go for pots early in the morning, cream is at the surface for maximum time to help the cut heal.
3. Take laxative at night.
4. Eat loads of fibre.  Change your diet which comprises more of fruits and veggies than processed food.
5. Exercise, everyday but not during the pain.
Point 4 and 5 also helps in preventing the fissure to occur.
Take care new moms. 

Happy mommying

#NewMom, #NewMother, #NouvelleMaman, #FissureAfterDelivery , #HowToAvoidFissure, #pilesAfterDelivery , #BloodWhenShitting 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Potty training

One of the biggest and and the most important part of upbringing a child also includes her potty training. A child is able to feel and tell about the genital sensations after 18 months- 20 months. So one can totally remove the diaper after that as this is best time to make sure that your baby is toilet trained.
When to start the training?
- once the baby has started walking.
- able to speak
-  summers (the best time as the child will soil less clothes and and does not need to be covered up all the time, unlike winters)

How to start the training?
- Step1: Start by taking your baby after every 2hours to the loo to the wash basin or the pot. Do the ssssssss sound or start the tap to let the water flow, these sounds help in making the baby pee. hold the baby in U-shape and let her do her thing.
- Step 2: Buy a potty chair. Its of right height where any child loves to sit and encourage the baby to sit there whenever she/he wishes to pee.Another advantage is that its mobile, keep it anywhere. You can also give any book to read while sitting there.
-Step3: Toilet seat. initially you have to hold the baby once they are independent to climb up and hold the seat and pee, its easier for the parent as no one needs to clean but rather just flush.

Tips for quicker learning?
- Demonstrate how her/his elders don't wear diapers and go to loo every time they need to pee. Moms can take the child along with her to the loo and just show how its done (without doing the actual thing :)). Or can show how the elder sibling does it.
- NEVER scold the child if she accidentally pees or poops in her pants.
- Avoid travelling for a week while you are potty training.
- Remove the diaper completely during the day only then the child will understand what soiling the pants means and why going to the loo is important.( this should be done when you are at home for minimum 5-6days at home and after a month or so you have start the training.)
- Night wetting goes in later age so even if the child is potty trained you should still use the diaper at night.
- There are various youtube video showing kids/ toys doing it.

Whats the right age?
According to me 18month+ is the right age as the child is able to tell and feel properly and speak her mind too.

PLEASE DON'T stress if your baby has learnt a month later than your friend's baby. Every child is different and learns at her own pace. Be ready to clean your floor a bit as accidents(poop in pants) do happen and never scold the baby for it.

Happy Mommying!

#NewMom, #NewMother, #NouvelleMaman, #рдоाँ , #PottyTraining, #HowToPottyTrain,